Technical data
Type SAM-6
Function Experimental
Year 1935
Crew 1
Engine M-23
Power at 0m 65hp
Length 4.5m
Height ?m
Wingspan 9.6m
Wing area 12.0m2
Empty weight 380kg
Loaded weight 500kg
Wing Load (kg/m2) 42
Power load (kg/hp) 7.7
Speed at 0m 130km/h
Landing Speed 55km/h
Range 200km
Ceiling 3000m
Fuel+Oil 50kg

SAM-6, A.S.Moskalev

50k b/w "History of aircraft construction in the USSR", Vol.2 p.104

The SAM-6 was built to test a single-wheel landing gear. Wingtips were fitted with endplates, but those carried no controls and were used as extra stabilizers and outriggers support. It was had also a conventional tail unit and was powered with a 65hp engine. Construction was of wood-and-fabric, very simple. In the future single-wheel fighter plane was projected with Hispano 12Y engine.

Interestingly, that SAM-6 was built at the same time when R.L.Bartini carried out similar experiments with his Stal-6 aircraft. Due to secrecy restrictions and low priority of both projects, R.L.Bartini and A.S.Moskalev hardly had any way to exchange information.

Unlike the record-setter Stal-6, SAM-6 had limited goal of landing gear evaluation, and high performance was not an aim of the project. Construction was finished in 1934, and starting January 1935 number of taxies and flights were performed. SAM-6 was flown on both wheel and ski, proving reliability of unusual undercarriage.

  • "History of aircraft construction in the USSR", Vol.2 p.103...104;
  • SAM-6, Moskalev

  • Created January 25, 1996
    Modified October 22, 1999
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