Technical data
Type AIR-3
'Pionerskaya Pravda'
Function trainer
Year 1929
Crew 2
Engines 1*60hp 'Walter'
Length 7.1m
Wingspan 11.0m
Wing area 16.5m2
Empty weight 392kg
Loaded weight 762kg
Wing Load (kg/m2) 46.3
Power load (kg/hp) 12.7
Maximum Speed at 0m 146km/h
Cruise Speed 125km/h
Landing Speed 66km/h
Takeoff Roll 60m
Flight Endurance up to 14h
Range 1835km
Ceiling 4200m
1000m 6.0min

AIR-3, Ya-3, ' Pionerskaja Pravda' A.S.Yakovlev

16k b/w AIR-3 from "History of aircraft construction in the USSR", Vol.1 p.428;

Development of the AIR-2 in parasol monoplane configuration. It used fuselage, powerplant, landing gear and tail identical to the predecessor. Money for construction were provided by Osoaviakhim.

Aircraft was ready on Summer 1929. On September 6 same year pilots Filin and Kovalkov (at the time students of the VVA, as well as a designer) flew nonstop from Mineralnye Vody to Moscow covering 1835km with average speed 166.8km/h, setting another International Record for Yakovlev's aircraft.

Predecessor(s) Modification(s)
AIR-4 Ya-4

  • "History of aircraft construction in the USSR", Vol.1 p.428-429;

  • More Links:
  • Ya-3 at Virtual Aircraft Museum
  • Yakovlev aircraft at D.Levin AirPage

  • Modified January 22, 1998 Back to
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